Unity invites Creators to the first-ever Open-Source Game Development journey.

Recently on 30th September, Unity announced it’s first-ever Open-Source Game Development journey where creators can contribute their work along with other creators and the Unity team to build a game from scratch to the end product. This new initiative is all set to transform the current development process into a new era of Game Development journey.
Unity’s Open Projects allows creators to connect and contribute their work in the field of programming, level design, art concepts, assets, audio, and a lot more stuff that actively keep you indulged in the ongoing process. As an open Team member, you have the prime ability not only to develop but also to take part in the live discussion on the forums and have a remarkable hand on the project. The first Open Project starts with the Action-Adventure genre available in the GitHub for download.
Download the project from GitHub and get started.
To keep everything streamlined and to track the overall process, Unity has released the Public Roadmap where the creators can look over the development cycle and the remaining task on the fly. Also, don’t forget to check the appropriate sub-forums to get regular updates on the progress of the project.
Check the Unity’s Public Roadmap.
However, if you just want to sit back and relax don’t miss out on the live sessions scheduled to start from October 13 at 7:00 pm CEST (10:00 am PT) on Unity’s Official YouTube Channel.
For additional information check Unity’s Official Announcement.
With Love From VOiD1 Gaming

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