Unity recently announced 3 months of complimentary access to Unity Learn Premium while supporting the #PlayApartTogether campaign started by the World Health Organisation.

After the initiative taken by the World Health Organization to run and promote #PlayApartTogether, Unity has stepped forward to support the campaign with full of good news for the developers all around. Considering physical distancing as a major factor to fight against the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, Unity has announced 3 Months of Unity Learn Premium for Free. This will leverage the learning skills and the production of the creators and help them excel in this industry.
What Unity is offering to the Creators?
3 Months of Unity Learn Premium for Free
Being an invaluable part of this #PlayApartTogether campaign Unity has announced 3 months complimentary access to all the creators to leverage their Game Development skills during this period. However, Unity Learn Premium is a golden course full of Unity Experts live sessions, 30+ hours of bite-sized tutorials, hands-on projects, in-depth course and lot more.
Find out more about Unity Learn Premium here.
Create with Code Live Virtual Classes
Unity has also started the virtual classes for all the developers to polish their skills on coding. This is a daily, 7-week virtual class session taught by the Unity Experts themselves with a prime motive to upgrade the skills of students, educators and anyone who wants to get their hands on coding world. Also good news for those who have missed the previous session, all the recordings will be available and can be attained easily.
Check out Create with Code Live here.
So all this come to a great point of improving the personal self with unique skills and later polishing them with premium courses. Further, Unity is encouraging all the developers to be a part of this #PlayApartTogether campaign and maintain social distancing while staying home safely and learning new skills each day. It’s definitely a great period for all the aspirants to start their Game Development journey with the Industry professionals itself.
Stay Home, Stay Safe!
With Love From VOiD1 Gaming
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